Polite Paws Blog

Articles full of information to help you and your dog.

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Should you be throwing balls for your dog or not?

Should you be throwing balls for your dog or not?

Throwing balls is one of the most common things I see people using to "exercise" their dogs, and usually it also involves the use of a long plastic ball chucker, meaning the ball goes faster and further. Great right? Well, no actually! So when you see dogs running...

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Why your separation anxiety protocol might be going wrong

Why your separation anxiety protocol might be going wrong

Working through separation anxiety does take time. A lot of time. But when is it time to look at other potential contributing factors or ways you could do things differently? On your separation anxiety journey you will experience regressions, and you will most likely...

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Separation anxiety case study – Lenny (Cavapoochon)

This case study with Lenny the Cavapoochon and his absolutely lovely humans will be in two parts, and is a good indication of what I mean when I say working through separation anxiety takes time.....but is also a very good example to show you that it DOES work and you...

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Separation anxiety – is your dog quiet or comfortable?

Separation anxiety – is your dog quiet or comfortable?

Seems an odd question right? Surely if a dog is quiet when home alone, they're comfortable? Sadly it is not that simple. Every dog will give different behavioural signs that they are anxious or uncomfortable. The most common behaviours that we tend to associate with...

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Can medication help your dog overcome separation anxiety?

Can medication help your dog overcome separation anxiety?

Medication can be a game changer when given alongside a behaviour modification plan for separation anxiety, but a lot of people are still reluctant to use medication, feeling it will change their dog's personality in some way, or that they feel their dog should be...

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Why track data when working on separation anxiety?

Why track data when working on separation anxiety?

Tracking data! One of the most important parts of working through a separation anxiety protocol, and the part that is often left out when people are trying to help their dog through separation anxiety. What do we mean by 'data'? Data in a separation anxiety protocol...

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