About Angela


Why Polite Paws?

With many trainers out there, it is important to make sure you find the right one for you and your dog, in order to build a strong and positive relationship and set you on the right track for your life together. 

Angela is a Provisional Clinical Animal Behaviourist , is highly qualified, vet recommended, professional and has built up a strong reputation over the years.  Angela only uses kind, reward based, proven methods and adheres to a strict code of ethics set out by the APBC, PACT and the ABTC.  

Angela Doyle

Dog Trainer and Behaviour Consultant

Polite Paws was set up in 2012 by Angela Doyle, CSAT, MISP, PACT-KSA, ABTC-ATI. Angela has a Level 6 Advanced Diploma in Applied Animal Behaviour (degree level), in which she gained a grade of Distinction, and​ is a Provisional Clinical Animal Behaviourist with the APBC. Angela specialises in separation anxiety and is a qualified CSAT (Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer)

Provisional members have demonstrated that they have the appropriate level of Knowledge and Understanding for the professional role of Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB). They are now gaining the practical experience necessary to be assessed as a CAB and therefore become a Full member of the APBC. The APBC supports its Provisional members undertaking behaviour consultations.

Angela is qualified and accredited with PACT (Professional Association of Canine Trainers), ABTC (Animal Behaviour and Training Council), is a member of ISAP (International Society of Animal Professionals), is an official scent detection instructor with SIFD (Scent Imprint for Dogs) and a recognised scentwork trainer for Scentwork UK.

Angela’s beloved, and very much missed rescue dog, Dylan, who she sadly lost in January 2022, was who inspired her to learn more about dog behaviour when she adopted him in 2009, and made her decide to retrain and work with dogs.

Dylan had numerous behavioural issues, all based in fear and anxiety. He had separation anxiety, and his fear towards unknown dogs and people showed as aggression in a bid to keep potential threats away.

The early days were hard! Angela learnt how reward based, force free methods could be used to gradually modify Dylan’s behaviour, and she never looked back. 

As Dylan was her inspiration to start this journey, it was important to Angela that he was visible as a part of Polite Paws, and that is why he appears on the website and social media platforms regularly, and why his silhouette features in the logo.

Dylan always has been one half of Polite Paws, and losing him has been incredibly hard for Angela. But now Polite Paws continues in his memory, continuing the legacy he left behind. It is important to Angela that Dylan is never forgotten.

Whether it is helping you train your puppy, address a behavioural issue with your dog, or helping your dog learn that being home alone is safe, Angela can help.

Not only does she have extensive experience at working with a wide range of clients, but she has also had personal experience with not only behaviours that puppies and adolescent dogs will demonstrate, but also with more complex behavioural issues.

She knows all the theory, but as she has worked through Dylan’s complex behavioural issues over the years, she can also relate it from an owner’s point of view.

Any struggles you are going through, she will have been there and got the t-shirt!

In the same way Angela places a lot of importance on the relationship between dog and owner, she also prides herself on building positive, continued relationships with clients. She has built very close relationships with a lot of her clients, especially her separation anxiety clients because of the close way they work together.

Many of Angela’s good friends started off as clients!

How can Polite Paws help you today?

Puppy Services

Adult Dog Services

Dog Behaviour Consults


Online Training

121 Training Sessions